
Are Men This Petty? (True Story & A Must Read)

That was the first question that crossed my mind when i found myself in a situation that most ladies out there must have encountered once or severally. Although this incident had happened in the past, it somehow crossed my mind and i decided to share/write about it and also give men- though not all, the benefit of doubt and let them clear their names from being petty!

What incident am i talking about? It's no other but the issue of women/ladies being regarded and thought as being some cheap, lackadaisic, sex- dependent and annoyingly above all sex workers, who depends on whoring them,selves to get anything even the simplest dime they want in life!

Now, back t my own personal experience of this delusional mentality. Sometime ago, I once wrote that "I am no longer in for vain pleasures/fun-fares, but for anything/business/innovation that would increase the figures in my account". Bearing in mind that Simbi is no longer a girl and times for turning up and down probably on some other person's bill just like Uti once wrote, are long gone and babe got wise up earlier before you become a liability unto yourself and everyone around you. Jejely i wrote my mind (the short sentence in quotes) and out of nowhere, a petty male (can't award him the title of, MAN) came out an in what i described as 'calling out', called me out and said, he's sure  i meant sexing/whoring my way out for the figures to improve. Geez, I was dumbfounded, managed to read through his trashy write ups about knowing girls and what they do to get money and blah, blah, blah, gently i read it and took my time to ensure that it upsets me so very much and i fired back at him , God knows if I were with him, I would so shout, argue , debate and teach him, until i run out of saliva to keep me talking and probably would loose my voice- it's worth it na, but i had to write. I wrote back defensively, no need taking you through the verbatim, but the more i wrote, the more he spilled ll of his pettiness and ignorance, washing his dirty mind with the new blue Omo!

What am i saying in essence; lot's of ladies have passed through this, have been called names such as Runz girl and worse even, so many written and will still write about it. And it's really appalling, how men objectify women as sex objects, which even when the least favor they can do for a lady arises, they demand for sex like it's a ticket for a movie and when such women who are of course strong, go out of their own against all odds and work their ass off and get that which a ransom was placed on, they are then tagged 'Hoes, or Runz girls'. I am not refuting the fact that there are such girls, but there are so many and lots more of women/girls who are strong willed and earn their money responsibly.

So dear petty men, grow up from pettiness and stop objectifying women, teach the younger ones about honest living through hardwork and perseverance and to the ladies, stay focused and walk right, don't let the petty men get at you and do remember that your Cookie Jar is so tasty, so wrap it up for the best.

God bless all hustling women/ladies/girls...Amen!

Cheers to a wonderful weekend...It's so cold in my hood, what about yours!
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