As a lady living in Nigeria, if you don't shop online, or in boutiques or safe malls, chances are that you've collected over a hundred penis samples and would still collect more. Quote Notabella!
Here is how;
It's Same Hand;
Ever seen men on the road holding their 'thing' while they pee carelessly and you are imagining who they are going to shake hands with next. Truth is that, they don't wash their hands, wait, how will they even do so??? When immediately he's zipping up, a fine babe that passes him immediately, gets a direct penis sample from him sharply, as he touches the girl while making passes at her. (Way number one)
This same guy may not touch you to make passes at you but might know you from somewhere and in a bid to exchange pleasantries, shakes hands with you! Voila You don collect (way number 2)
And since you don't do your shopping privately, that means you go to big open markets for your stuffs, my sister forget it, because you've been collecting! Thing is, most men there are great PERVERTS and have zero respect for women and their opinions. So after most of them must have peed, scratched bum bum and in an overrated attempt to get you buy from them or even just for the stupid fun of taunting ladies, they touch you, like spread the entire samples all over you, in a way that makes it look like Davido is singing 'Penis samples fall on you' for you. (way number three)You go home with plenty of it, if you doubt me, go straight up to a Lab after leaving a market, and you would be surprised at the number of egg plant samples hanging all over you!