A Nigerian Magazine, Realttyz has taken it's time to share with people from their overflowing river of knowledge, sure ways to cure being G ay.
According to the writer, homos exuality is all about s ex and that the reason people are g ay is because they are only looking for people who will satisfy their s exual desires.
She suggests that le sbians date women who appear physically strong and masculine because they fear having a relationship with men who are too masculine and strong. Also that homos exuality is caused by a demon whose aim is to put an end to human reproduction. She called homos exuality “anti-life and anti-christ.”
In the end, she offered tips on how to “cure” homos exuality such as;
Les bians supposedly should establish purely s exual relationships with effeminate men, while g ay men should look for women who are very feminine.
G ay and les bian people supposedly should seek out spiritual conversion therapy from Christian ministers. [The facts about such “therapy” are contained in the article, ” ‘Ex-gay therapy’: What reputable experts have to say.”]
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