The gist started from ama take you back and bring you to the update of today!
Yesterday former Most beautiful girl in Nigeria Omowunmi Akinnifesi shared some pictures on her Instagram of her on holiday in Monaco and the beauty queen who was rocking a denim shirt and white pants looked like she’d grown a butt overnight and it had people talking.
But on a critical look at the butt that's exciting everyone even instagram app itself, one would notice the photo shot angle and her pose made the butt have an exaggerated look.
Spoon-feeding people with better aproko, she captioned the image, “I’ve got a big #Butt and I cannot lie. Hehe. Don’t look at me don’t know how it got there. #God please do not take this #Body away. #LovingMyNewBody. Finally got a bright future behind me. #KimKardasian #NickyMinaj watch out. Haha”
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And as she implied, people got busy talking about the overnight butt growth which can only be made possible by surgery, so this morning she came back clean her mess, this time shutting down talks of plastic surgery;
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And as she implied, people got busy talking about the overnight butt growth which can only be made possible by surgery, so this morning she came back clean her mess, this time shutting down talks of plastic surgery;

Relaxxxx geeez the butt has always been there. Now they saying I got #ButtImplants hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha. When you get yours I’ll get mine. Yikes!! #Never #NoCantDo #AllNatural #NoImplants #NoSurgery. #CanNeverGoUnderTheKnife. Guys chillll. Hehe. #ItsJustTheWomanInMe #Blossoming #TooHappy #StillSize6And8 #AllTheFoodGoesToTheButt.
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