
#Keepthechangebae Is Trending Again On Twitter For Looking Like This

You remember Ore the Ibadan girl on Twitter that trended on Twitter few days back for her standing up to a guy who bashed online for 'chopping his money and refusing his relationship request (If you missed, read here).

Ore is on trend again for looking like this.

A radio station in Ibadan hosted her as a celeb wey she don be, so they shared her photo online to join others to trend via the hashtag but hell broke loose when people of internet saw her pics and screamed 'Jesu'! Aunty Ore is that really you?? 

 They claimed that she's directly opposite of what she's been sharing on social media and people began to even question why she even had to refuse Deji's proposal based on her beauty level- can you imagine !  Even mothers on social media began fasting and prayers immediately for their sons to wash their eyes and steer clear of filtered girls on social media....she can't be this same person na ...They wept!

While the whole brouhaha was going on, as usual, brands jump on such opportunity to get noticed, but this brand jumped so wrongly that they met 'biaty's elder sis' on twitter. People back-lashed them for their ill tweet and Ore, as usual gave everybody an EPIC CLAP BACK.

The ill tweet and clap back below;

Her response;

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