
Laura Ikeji Just Can't Stay Off Social Media

Mrs Laura Ikeji Ogbonna earlier today said she was done with her very popular social media platform 'Instagram'. She posted the photo below and it left many pf her loyal fans in tears as they were gon' miss her drama and all the entertainment she brings to them.
She wrote;
Unfortunately I'll be going off instagram for now. Will keep having fun and living happy but it won't be on camera anymore. Someone else would be posting stuff about @lauraikejigang store on here sometimes.
Appreciate all the love but hey.... phase2 is calling! I'm out yall✌✌✌😍😍😍
After she shared the photo and people were still trying to figure out how they were going to survive without 'their dear Laura' on IG. A BLOG broke news that Laura's husband is homeless and sometimes comes to Linda Ikeji's house to crash as Laura hasn't moved out of the house yet, even though they've married and she's pregnant already! Wow.
They wrote;
Laura Ikeji ,The sister to Nigerian blogger Linda Ikeji , has refused to move into her husband's house , rather she still stays at her sister house in banana island ...And sometimes her husband spends days at Linda ikeji's house .. Does it mean that the footballer ogbona Kanu doesn't have his own house or he doesn't want his wife to move in with him ...??? Or are they waiting till after the baby is born or after their wedding ?? @lauraikeji #lauraikeji@ogbobekee1 #ogbonnakanu@officiallindaikeji #lindaikeji #blogger#marriage #nigeria
Well, the news touched Laura, who quickly ran back to Instagram to debunk the report, claiming that she has a house, tho didn't say her husband has it. She also said she was kidding about staying off Instagram, how dare me stay off the Gram, am I mad???
She wrote;
I said for NOW. That could mean for about 5mins. πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ Hey, I ain't going no wia!!!! 😊😊😊, Why would I wanna go off ig. Thats like saying bye to my means of livelihood, business etc. Hehe see you at @lauraikejigang today. 
Accompained with a photo of her self and her faceless husband.

Debunking the rumor she wrote;
Apparently some blogs took my leaving instagram gist seriously jisox!! πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ Now its hard to play here. My darlings, if you follow on ig you would know i dont take life too seriously. No time for that. And No I dont live in my sister's house. This is my apartment right here. N this ignorant blogger was so sure I lived on banana because i dont post my house online??? Sad but hey.... adara`
She's addicted to Ig and loves the drama! Enjoy drama Q! 
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