Attention Ladies!!!!...Words For The Superficial Ones Nota 6:19 pm 1 Comment Edit I agree...A man know who his heart belongs to, so you can cook his food in diamond oil and do backflips on his d**k, but if it isn't you! it isn't you, period! So shun the bods and develop your selves! SHARE SHARE SHARE Related PostsAugust Alsina Opens Up About His Deadly DiseaseJune 01 2017Cossy Orjiakor: What A Throwback June 01 2017I Just Want To Bang A Virgin- Cheating Hubby Cries Out As Excuse For Cheating & Denying His Family l May 31 2017Doctor Who Performed My First Abortion Impregnated Me Twice June 01 2017
Lolz @ diamond oil. But wat will dey be doing with this (d bod) in d 1st place since its not wat dey really need???