
Doctor Who Performed My First Abortion Impregnated Me Twice

I happened to have a very fast secondary education which unfortunately got me exposed to all sorts because I was the youngest in my class and had lots of older classmates. At 13 I was done with my SS3 and WASSCE examinations, completed. During the awaiting result period of the same year, I lost my virginity. I gave up the cherry to my classmate who I had a crazy crush on. After then, i shrunk into my shell. I felt there wasn’t much to this sex thing sef.

Fast forward to a few years later. I was in a certain higher institution and my orientation to wait for sex in marriage was intact until I was molested by a male friend. We were close friends. He never showed any signs he desired me. He had a girlfriend. One i knew. I just liked him as a friend and brother. That was all there was to our friendship. I visited at his seldomly. He wasn’t a student of the institution(a working class grad he was) and he lived in a semi comfortable apartment which was ‘haven’ from my hostel accommodation.

It happened that fateful afternoon ….. It was a bitter experience. He said it was the devil. I swore never to set my eyes on him again. But I did a month later when I discovered I was pregnant. I was too naive to even know, it was my room mate that reminded me I hadn’t seen my period for the month because mine always came before hers. I told her it will come besides I didn’t even keep track. One week after she was done, my Aunt flo still hadn’t visited. I became agitated so i went to a nearby laboratory and my fears were confirmed. I was pregnant and 19.

I couldn’t tell no one save for the one who put me in that situation. I told him because I didn’t even know what to do. Neither did I have funds. My close friends were equally as naive as myself. Well, his response was that he always liked me but since he had a girlfriend and our friendship was good, he didn’t want to ruin that. But with this development he will just marry me, I shouldn’t worry about having his baby outside wedlock. Who said I was ready and willing to have a baby at 19 and had one year left to finish school.

Firstly, i didn’t even like him in a boyfriend way not to talk of marrying him, then to add to the fact that he molested me. I just told him point blank I needed funds to terminate it. He said his faith (he’s a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints ) was against sponsoring abortions. At this point I was clearly on my own.

School was going on break the very same day I had to go see him. I couldn’t go home afterwards. Maaleh will find out once. So I went with my bag to his. After he told me his view I told him I couldn’t go home cus school had closed and I might have to stay put at his till I can sort this. That was the beginning of a sorry night. He molested me again that night. I had to leave. It was past 10pm ish. I left in tears. I couldn’t just get myself to stop crying. I considered going back to school to stay in a classroom till dawn before I head home and face the worse.

On the bus I boarded, some guy who sat beside me became concerned and asked to know why I was crying. I hesitated initially but had to open up that I was just molested and school had closed and …. He calmed me down and told me that he was a redeem church worker(he pulled out an ID as proof) and said i could come sleep at the parish church office or his place that is close to the church office. I was too drained to think. I sheepishly followed. We highlighted and joined another bus to take us to his. Eventually, he said church office was locked. And we had to go to his. It was already past 11Pm. We arrived ..He asked if I’d like to have a bath and food. I declined. Later on after he had settled in said asked if I’d like a morning after pill. That he could help me get one in the morning. Which wan be ‘morning after’? I didn’t even know that existed.

told him then that I was pregnant and that I couldn’t afford to keep the foetus. And the guy responsible wasn’t even going to support my decision. He said he knows what I am going through and will help me the following day. He said to try get some sleep. As he had to sleep too. I thanked him. He went to bed while I stayed on the couch thinking about everything and my bleak future if I showed up at home with the pregnancy . I must have dozed off at some point because I had a hypnic jerk. Mr. good samaritan startled me. He was caressing my arm. He said he couldn’t sleep and was thinking about me. That he will go with me to a hospital the following day and the doctor will help get rid of the pregnancy but what can I do for him.

I began crying. I told him I had nothing to offer and if it wasn’t mid night I would have just left. He advised me not to be stupid. He said he was going to have sex with me and keep to his promise. I told him i would leave at dawn and wouldn’t be needing his help any further. The rest is history. He raped me. I had a record. Two guys had sex with me in less than 24hours. I was used, dumped and empty.
When it was daylight he hurried me to get ready so he can fulfil his promise. He had other things to do. I went with him to the hospital. We saw the doctor. He spoke, I was listening but wasn’t hearing. I just needed to get through with whatever it was that was going to be performed. He told the doctor he found me in the night and didn’t have the money the doctor was requesting but he would make a small deposit and drop his international passport as collateral then pay up the balance later on. He was just trying to help me and the doctor should help too.
Discussion over. Mr. Bad good samaritan left.

Doctor calls me in. It was a blurr. Like I’m in a nightmare. Doctor tried to make me feel good. It’s just suction and curettage afterall. I lay on the slaughter slab naked. Legs spread wide apart and hung having my would have been first fruit sucked out of my womb. Bearing the pain as much as i could. The tears flowing. Doctor taps me to get up some minutes later. We are done and dusted. Doctors asks how I was going to get home since the man that brought me had gone. I said I would be fine. Doctor gives medications to be taken religiously. He requested for my number to ensure I got home safely. Following day doctor calls, he continued calling. We became friends.

It’s been 13 years since then.
Make una ask me whether I learn my lesson. For where? My village people wey dey use my picture fan themselves nor allow me be.
The following year, I had my second abortion performed by Dr. This time, pregnancy was his. We were dating and other circumstances surrounding, I didn’t want to have the baby. Six months later, I had a third abortion. It was his and i wasn’t ready still. Did I feel bad at any of these times aside the first? Hell yes. I felt depressed. I had lost my soul. It happens ,I feel like just giving up and dying. After a while I pick up and move on. Swear it will never happen again. Sigh! Three abortions before I turned 25. Even the devil sef will welcome me in a warm embrace and a kiss had I died during any of the procedures. I decided to leave Dr. [other reasons inclusive]. I had to move on fast before I ‘engage’ again and turn out pregnant.
And move on, I did successfully.

I moved out of town completely sef.
Life went on.
Four years after the third abortion, I had a fourth. I was 29, I had no excuse. I just didn’t see myself emotionally ready since I wasn’t married and didn’t want a pregnancy induced marriage with my partner nor end up as a lone parent. So I called up “Dr”. I was ashamed. This time I swore down. It will be my last.
It has been thankfully. Any unplanned pregnancy again and I’m a mother. #Ready or not.

Culled from NSG

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  1. What a phew! Saddening what people bottle up inside. I wish I can share my stories someday, went through something similar in my uni days.
