Here in the Coal City, the carnival has long begun and will still continue until the long anticipated Road Block, thanks to our Governor and ministry of Culture and Tourism.
Below are pictures from the colorful events that has going on in the state, ranging from food fare, masquarde displays, wrestling, street carnival, and lot's more...oya grab your cup of palm wine and enjoy as Igbo/African culture is being revived and displayed..Let's go...
The Deputy Governor tasting food and drinks during food fare.
People of Uzo-Uwani LGA coming into the arena.
Women of Uzo-Uwani
Izaga masquerade from Uzo-uwani LGA
People of Udenu LGA making there way into the arena.
Masquerade from Udenu
Still from Udenu...
From Udenu
Ezeagu LGA people and their masquerade
People Okwojo Ngwo coming in..
And interestingly also, cultural displays from Friends of Enugu....
Nassarawa warriors from Nassarawa state
Imo statemasquerade
Ajofia Nnewi Masquerade from Anambra State
Ebonyi state masquerade
Traditional wrestlers
Earlier on..Street carnival
Ealier today..street carnival.
Beaitiful and colorful, right?? Yes they are and your palm wine, still remaining??, keep more for photos from the interesting pageant-Nwa Ada Igbo; anIigbo speaking pageant, no iota of English, it's for chics wey sabi their motherland tongue wella. So watch the space for that and also hopefully for Road block pics!
Remember, your culture is your identity, don't ever loose it, ok. Goodnight!
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