Speaking as a guest on the talk show 'Walk the Talk' on Channels TV this afternoon, one of the daughter's of billionaire business men, Michael Ibru, Elvina Ibru advised women who have reached a certain age not to wait for any man to marry them before considering having a child.
"Don't wait for any man to marry you if you haven't had a child. Go and have your baby. I chose my father's child. When I met him, after a few months I said yes, this is the one that would give me what I need. If anything happens to me, I know that my child would not suffer. This one na better person".
Asked if her baby daddy is still with her, Elvina said "He is not with me anymore. We have been separated for four years now".
Asked why he left, she laughed and said "He is a man". Elvina said she's never really been interested in marriage and doubts she will ever be.
Biko, do you concur with her personal-experience theory/suggestion???
Mba ooo. M in total disagreement. Having a child out f wedlock z very different from delibrately having kids without a man. U ll need d companionship later in life