
My Natural Hair Journey Has Been Hopeless (Rants Of A Natural Hair Wannabe)

                Image result for bad natural hairImage result for bad natural hair
I haven't used relaxer on my hair since Dec/Nov last year, so technically I’m en route being a Natural hair owner if not one already!. Yeah, and I'm here to share my almost hopeless journey.
Truth is, it’s been crazy all the way, especially from the fact that people won’t mind their business and would keep asking when I'm gon' retouch it, and  hair stylists aren't helping issues, they keep complaining on top of my hair at the 'massive undergrowth.
 â€œMy God, it’s not undergrowth, it’s my natural unrelaxed hair, coming welcome it and handle with care", I told one of them, almost cussing her out. 
The only thing I enjoy in this journey so far, is that I don’t cry anymore when I visit a salon. OK, lemme break it down, I chose this natural way thing, because, relaxers, no matter the product even made in haven ones burn my scalp so badly, that I weep uncontrollably every time I retouch it, like I shamelessly weep in salons and it’s becoming embarrassing  and capable of giving me High B.P if not sending me into a massive shock, because when I remember the pain, my heart skips a beat, so I gave up, haven tried all ticks as suggested by hair gurus.

Some even suggested chilling the relaxer in a freezer, hours before retouching, another group suggested pouring ashes on my hair prior to retouching, some others said I should leave my hair to be soooooo due and dirty that the dirt no go be here, what it remains, is for me to pour nsi aboki on top my hair,because of non of these worked! So I ran to 'miss natural' side of the road, hoping it was easy as I see on Instagram and YouTube, but my brethren, I was far.

At the first stage, it was quite easy, because I didn’t cut my hair to start afresh, so my retouched part was helping especially in getting the whole hair laid back, braiding was still fun at this part, I could still comfortably braid my hair without attachment or anything and carry it up to a few weeks or less but as we progressed, weeks turned into months, the spongy hair was beginning to manifest and flaunt itself.  Braiding became a WAR, ordinary combing was too scary…at this point, getting the hair laid back was an uphill task, as the upcoming natural hair would stand on it’s own as if it’s not a member of the remaining retouched hair part. I will drag and drag it to cooperate ,it wont budge and when it does, it runs away after a while! Damn it!
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The struggle of combing those stubborn hairs
Next thing I knew I became a Reverend sister, I'm a sucker for scarves and turbans but with my present hair condition, I became an over sucker, my fashion revolved around scarves, I had to buy more turbans to help my ministry, even face caps joined the gang. I was covering the hair..because my hair it’s a total mess!

So to adjust my fashion, I moved onto wigs, I got wigs and was slaying in my wigs, anytime I'm out of the house but wait ooh, what's the essence of being natural if you can’t comfortably flaunt them at your will like those IG & YouTube girls, if you always have to hide them beneath wigs and turbans …I think it’s pointless, right?? If you agree, can I get a ‘Ride on sis’ lol.

So I moved from my wigs to my current locks, nope I didn’t lock my hair, I braided faux it can blend with my undergrowth natural hair. It was fine the first few weeks but it’s now looking like my under growth is overshadowing the locks….my journey has been hopeless so far.

I don’t know how to get it laid back like those ladies I see on Instagram, but most of those chics were not born or even bred nor live here in Naija. Nigerian weather and climate isn’t helping the hair issues. Who else is on this race, how has your journey been…gist us biko, because I’m seriously eyeing a relaxer, let me weep for some minutes and slay my laid back hair and baby curl edges later   but the pain is unbearable, even staring at a relaxer container, lately, makes me want to cry, like I feel the pain from within.
Image result for black girl natural hair trouble
This is how I feel, eyeing a relaxer and dreaming of laid back hair
Would love to read your experience.


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  1. U need to cut ur relaxed hair,am carrying my natural hair, I apply shearbutter, coconut oil and sometimes pink oil to make it soft,it is fun to be on natural hair

    1. It's really fun but letting go of my entire long hair is a huge decision for me!

  2. Haha! First, I think the idea of wanting a laid back hair is not gonna work�� cos this is a fro game. It's just meant be afro-like... The struggle is real but it's so worth it in the end.

    I stopped relaxing my hair after the last one I did in May 2015. Just like you, the mere sight of relaxer now makes me sick. No, it wasn't the pain, but the huge damage it caused my hair after the last one...(I would have said I made the wrong choice of relaxer bUT man, chemical na chemical!). So it's been two years plus, post relaxer. I also had a lil trim-off of the remaining 'damaged' hair late last year. I said remaining because most of them fell off by themselves so I had to cut off the rest to join their mates cos the game was now on another level lol. So, expect such on your hair too, as you go natural...

    It feels so good now knowing all I use on my hair are naturally made.

    My experience. Currently, I think this is the longest time I'm just styling and carrying the hair, without extentions. Right on the fourth week of my fro game, fourth week of no visits to the salon, fourth week of free consultancy lol, ...of "oh your hair looks so good!", ...of "oh can I touch it?", ...of "oh my, it looks so healthy"...and so on. And it left me forming the 'natural hair guru', and wanting to add extra weeks rocking it. 

    Taking care of the hair can be a bit tough and time consuming sometimes though, but it's so worth it, as I also find it as one of those ways of loving yourself, and getting some TLC from yourself to yourself. ��

    One of what I've learned along the line is to always have my hair moisturised and to stay away...sorry RUN from applied heat! Water and essential oils are what give my hair life. 

    It was a bit tough handling the hair from the beginning, but now I know better... And "when you know better you do better and ultimately live better". 

    So baby........if you finally decide joining my team lol, just get your large toothed comb, essential oils, silk bonnet, bobby pins, shoe lace ��(or any reliable and loyal thing you can tie the hair wiv) ready, and your internet for some other researches, then you're good. Ànd please do not ever leave out Shea Butter as part of the oils. That thing and water na miracle

    Ps. It's so exciting knowing I haven't spent much on my hair for the past four weeks +, but still slay with the hair mehn. 

    Define savings in recession...��✌

    NB. Hair texture differs too. These are what work for me.

    1. Wow 😱😱😱
      This is amazing, like I'm so jealous right now. Can I come and borrow ur hair for a week !

      About getting a laid back 'Afro' those Instagram chic can give false hopes ehh, was hoping with my long hair, it can get laid and still stand as I wish anytime, sadly e no be like that' 😥😥

      Thanks for your tips and sharing your journey !

  3. Babe its really nice i use a lot of shea butter it feels nice when u comb and doesnt i always make my hair into bantu knots whenever its not made.

    1. You are really tempting me!
      It feels like my entire veins stand up against me when I'm combing !

      Tnx for dropping by bae'
