
Women, Semi Nude Photos & Motivational Speeches

Have you noticd that most times when some post semi nide or even nude photos online, they back up with motivational or emotional speeches unlike they would in a fully clad photo?

Thi thought have been o for a while and this evening I came past two 'female celebs' who shared similar photos and was all the motivational and strong womanly in their folloqing write up. Does this mean nudity/semi nudoty provokes such indepth thoughst and the following articles or what??

Above is Nigeria's supermodel and mother of one, Faith Morey, who shared those 'this-is-all-of-me' photos and the follwoing message below;

"Dear woman, sometimes , you will just be too much woman .Too smart , too beautiful, too strong.
Too much of something . That makes a man feel like less of a man which will start making you feel like you have to be less of a woman. The biggest mistake you can make is Removing jewel from your crown to make it easier for a man to carry. When this happens I need you to understand, you do not need a smaller crown.
The second celebrity is Nollywood actress, Damilola Adegbite, who is also a mother of one, she shared her own photo, which isn't that gross as Faith's and backed it up with her gospel;

Truth is, if you cannot find peace within yourself, you will never find it anywhere else. Nobody can bring you peace, but yourself. Hard truth.
#strongwomen #loveyourself#loveyourbody #takecareofyourself
More pics of Faith

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