
Pres. Buhari To Ban The Use Of Smart Phones Among Nigerian Youths To Prevent This

The President of Federal Republic of Nigeria in an act of precaution and obeying the long aged quote 'Prevention is better than cure', has decided to ban the use of smart phones especially the ones that require these leaders of tomorrow to bend their necks while using them.

This came after a Kenyan doctor Dr Dennis Otwori of the National Spinal Injury Hospital (NSIH) in Nairobi, told the Saturday Nation that doctors are beginning to see osteoarthritis in much younger people.Osteoarthritis is the degeneration of joint cartilage and the underlying bone. It has traditionally been manifest from the middle age upwards. It causes joint pains and sometimes stiffness. This can be associated with prolonged use of smartphones in an awkward position and is known as the text neck syndrome.

"While ‘text neck’ is certainly a new medical term, the condition is impacting millions and is a growing critical global concern,” Thus our beloved 001 doesn't want Nigerian youths to be affected by this, hence the ban to preserve the necks that carry the next political and economic leaders of the Giant of AFRICA.

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