
Do You Love It

Hi Reader,
Are you new here or an old reader? Do you love my new way of blogging (technically it's not so new but it's now being upgraded and maintained throughout most of my posts here) I intend to continue this way, to carve a niche for myself and brand in this crazy blogosphere.

How Do I Now Blog;

In case you haven't noticed, Most of my new posts are now more of satire and humor based, meaning that if your humor or sarcasm level is low you would get misled over my posts because most are just quite opposite of what I write-the satire in it, while some are real news nicely laced with doses of humor, here and there to make you happy and keep you informed at the same time (talk about being infotained)and the remaining are just straight up dead pan news with nothing added or removed, I don't like these ones because they are so serious and they are very few here and would continue to be so.

Why Do I Blog This Way
I'm so natural at it, I love to exaggerate things and even while I do so talking, I crack people up, so why not incorporate in my writings which is basically here and on my Facebook page. Secondly, there are just few people like that around here, so I'm on a mission to carve a niche for myself..nothing beats being UNIQUE and Creative too! This comes very easy for me and believe you me, I enjoy it...wanted to post a few articles and then read before sleeping but I've lost track of time because I'm having fun with this. Lastly, I hope, still in the niche creation, I get to be different and grow with this brand and get a signature ID, i.e when you read my posts anywhere, you know it's Notabella baiby! Lol.

How Long Do I Intend To Blog This Way
As long as I live and have smart gadgets and internet., and DSS doesn't come for me..I will

Do I Think People Would Love This Kind Of Blogging/Writing
Of course, people would love it, If people pay thousands of Naira to listen to comedians, why can't they log on to to read stories and get cracked up too. The only challenge so far is that it would take time for people to adjust to my satirical posts and know that they are SATIRE and shouldn't be taken literally but the other way round. Like some people are already questioning  on few of my posts like THIS THIS and THIS  (The last two were mixed, real news of something going on and satire) . So with time you too would blend in and we SATIRE on.


Suggestions, Critics (not insults) and Compliments are welcomed! 
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  1. Yes dear I love it. More power to u.

  2. Ok, now I understand better.I really like your style. It is cool and most importantly it gets me laughing but try to add disclaimer to all those satire posts to avoid issues with people who are too serious to understand and how Nigeria is right now. Kudos. bookmarking right away

  3. Well... It kinda takes time to really get that the meanings r not literally but we ll get used to it. More grease baiby
