Ayam not understanding these sicko teens anymore! This is a very sad story, nobody deserves to loose his/her life this way!
According to Mirror Morgan Banks, 18, left Sophie Smith, 17, with car crash-like injuries, just a month after she had given birth to their baby boy .
She was left with 11 broken ribs, a broken eye socket, broken nose and bruises all over her body after Banks headbutted her and kicked her in the head and ribs as she cowered on the floor.
Banks had become paranoid that the couple's month-old son wasn't his and had thought Sophie was having an affair with his brother and cousin.
He beat a false confession out of her before killing her as he demanded to know names of men she was supposedly sleeping with during the attack in the early hours of October 14.
Leeds Crown Court heard Sophie suffered a catalogue of horrific injuries, which medics likened to those sustained in a serious road crash or a fall from an extreme height.
"He beat her until she agreed and beat her again until she was unconscious.
"She was in a comatose state for some time before she died.
"She was subjected to a four-hour punishment beating."
Describing the night of the attack, Ms Colborne said Sophie Smith called the emergency services at 12:29am and said "help me" to an emergency services operator before hanging up.
The operator contacted police who called Sophie but the teen told them nothing was wrong.
Ms Colborne said that four hours later Banks was spotted in the street covered in blood.
She said: "He was in a frenzied state. He was bare chested and was covered in blood."
Banks then demanded a passerby call an ambulance before he ran off.
Ms Colborne added: "Police and paramedics found Sophie Smith lying on the floor of the bedroom.
"She was laid beside the bed with her head closest to the door and was naked apart from a bra round her waist and a duvet covering her lower half."
The post mortem examination revealed she had died of multiple injuries caused by blunt trauma - blows caused by fists and feet.

Banks was arrested at his grandfather's house at 5.55am.
When interviewed by officers Banks admitted carrying out the attack and said he had kicked her in the head and ribs while she was on the floor and had headbutted her.
Ms Colborne said Sophie had got together with Banks when she was 13 and he was 14.
Due to the couple's tumultuous relationships, Sophie had been assigned a social worker after she became pregnant with the couple's young son.
She said: "She [Sophie] was torn between the belief his behaviour would change when the baby was born.
"On October 3 Sophie's attitude had changed and that her belief his attitude would change was wrong.
"She said she felt safe at the flat and would dial 999 if he called round."
Ms Colborne said Banks had a troubled upbringing and was taken into care aged 10 after his dad was jailed for 10 years for beating up his mum.
Banks, who has a substantial criminal record of 30 convictions for 49 offences, was first in court when he was 11.
The court also heard he had been found guilty of assault causing actual bodily harm in his absence.
In a brutal attack Banks bit a man in the face after he was refused a cigarette.
Banks admitted ABH, failure to surrender and murder.
Sentencing Banks to life in prison, with a minimum term of 17 years, the Recorder of Leeds, Peter Collier QC, said: "You carried out a dreadful assault on her.
"I have no doubt you will live with the memories of what you did to her for the rest of your life.
"Quite clearly this is a case where mental and physical suffering was inflicted on Sophie before she died.
"It was a savage and dreadful attack.
"This case is a real tragedy of human relationships."
That terrific.May her soul rest in peace