It would surely be an over- statement if I remind us all that maintenance culture isn't practiced here in Nigeria and especially down here in Enugu! The hilly state has once again neglected an institution which was serving a wonderful purpose before and if it had continued would even in the least manner be a source of Internally generated revenue for the state, but No, it was abandoned!

Enugu state's games village which supposed to be a home to young scouted talented sportsmen and women, as it were done back then, have been abandoned to the comfort and ownership by wild animals. The question is 'what is the government doing about this or have they totally forgotten about this place??
Well, it would be recalled that last year April, the honorable commissioner of sports who's currently in Algeria with Rangers FC assured that the government would start renovating the games village alongside other sporting facility in the state but according to 2cblog's recent visit to the site, it seems the games village is still far below the list of places to be renovated and resuscitated even after 042 sports festival was held. Can someone please remind them!
Photo credit; 2cblog
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