
This Is How To Survive Recession In Nigeria

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While a lot of us lament lack of funds and the high cost of living in the face of the current economic situation, some celebrities are busy doling out and receiving cash gifts running into millions.

In the last 5 days, no fewer than 3 lucky “celebrities” have shared news of cash gifts from friends, family members and even strangers. First, Yomi Casual opened the floodgates of giving and receiving when he received the gift of a million naira cheque from his big brother- AY Makun for the successful launch of his unisex shirt collection. On hearing the news, my mind went –Yomi casual already has money now, that’s why he could throw a party in the first place. But then, that’s his big brother, so minimal heartache there.

Following shortly on the heels of that was MC Galaxy’s decision to bless his ‘bestie’; Laura Ikeji (na so she call am) with a N1m naira transfer into her bank account. Haba! When people like us are desperately seeking just 50k dash in this critical time. With that amount, he can become by blood brother.
Hmm… ok. I need to change my friends.

At least Padita Agu had a good occassion for the N500,000 naira an acquaintance gave her- it was a birthday gift. This is from someone she confessed that she would not recognise if she bumped into him on the road oh. They’re that lucky.

These recent events have made me realize that a useful key to surviving this recession might lie in making friends with celebrities (not the aka gum types) or maybe even becoming one myself. The breakthrough could be that singular act.

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