
#SocialmediaGoneWrong; Man Disgraces Fiancée & Calls Of Engagement On INSTAGRAM.....No Privacy Whatsoever!


Ladies get on your knees and begin to pray against such dudes! Where ever they are coming from, they should jump and pass you, can I hear a resounding Amen??
Omg, this is so petty! What happened to our lives outside the web, our off-line lives, privacy, sense of reasoning!  Calling off an engagement is one big trauma and hurt, but rubbing it on the faces of everyone who cares to know, both haters and lovers is another ball game!

No one knows his reasons, but he is totally fed up with the girl and decided to end it in the most dramatic way ever! He has since taken down his account, because I even went snooping,,lol!

Guys, can you do this to a girl, no matter what he has done to you??
Girls, what will you do if such is ever done to you??
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