
How To Recognise LAZY People Before getting Involved With Them!


This post is for everyone irrespective of your gender. So here are few signs that scream LAZY about a person before you think of getting involved with them

1. Lazy people usually don’t take care of themselves
If a person can’t be bothered to shower regularly, groom themselves or practice basic general hygiene, then they probably don’t put much effort into anything else. If they can’t be bothered to brush their hair in the morning, don’t expect them to be a hard worker.
2. Lazy deadbeats don’t usually hold down a job for very long
If you’re on a date with someone and one of the first things you learn about them is they’ve had more jobs in the past year than most people have in a decade, take that as a sign. If someone isn’t able to keep a steady job, they probably wouldn’t make a steady partner.

3. Lazy people usually still live with their parents into their late thirties
In some cultures, it’s not uncommon to live with your parents until you’re done school, or even until you’re in a serious relationship. But when you come across someone in their late thirties still living with their parents, you gotta ask yourself what their deal is.
4. Lazy people delegate small tasks to avoid having to learn new skills
This is the person who gets you to print something for them because they don’t want to learn how the new printer works. It’s the person who asks you to schedule their meetings because they don’t know how to use their Outlook calendars. Just not willing to learn.
5. Lazy people avoid every opportunity to self-improve
Learning new skills, gaining more qualifications or simply doing anything to better themselves is totally out of the question for a lazy deadbeat. Read a book? Pfff! They’ve got better things to do… Like watch reality TV, cheesy game shows and soap operas.

6. Lazy people make excuses for why they can’t do better
They’re never happy with their jobs, salary, living situation or dating luck, yet they never do anything about it. They always have some excuse for why they can’t do better like, “I’m too old, it’s too late, I can’t afford it, or I’m not good enough.” (Does this sound familiar?)
7. Lazy people think part-time jobs are stressful
This makes me laugh. People who think part-time jobs are hard work are in for a rude awakening if / when they ever enter a real stressful environment. Try a full-time, deadline-driven, 12-hour work day career and then come talk to me about stress.
8. Lazy people only do the bare minimum but think they should be paid more
These people are really difficult to work with it, and usually very negative. They are the ones who say, “I’ll work harder when I get paid more” or “Until they give me a raise, I’m not doing anything more than this.” That type of negative attitude usually gets people shown the door. In a relationship, people who refuse to give until they receive probably don’t deserve more than what they’re getting anyway.

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