
#AishaBuariPhotoshopDrama; RenoOmokri Delves Into The Case...Shares His Opinion

This topic has been going on for a while now, and I brought you guys what Ali Baba said and the photo that was alleged to be the original from which this one was photoshopped (read here) Reno Omokri hs come on board on this same to issue and as usual has dropped a few cents!
 He wrote;

"The allegation that Aisha Buhari photoshopped her picture with Michelle Obama is false. Even if you don't like President Buhari, don't take it out on his wife or family. I've been at these functions. People line up to take pictures with the alpha who maintains the same pose. I don't like President Muhammadu Buhari. I don't believe him.
I will never ever vote for him. Yet, I mention him by name everyday in prayer. Not some days. EVERYDAY. I do this because I fear God. I will criticize him. But if I do criticize him, it will be because of something he is guilty of not due to something he and his wife are innocent of. Whether you like it or not, Buhari is the Lord's anointed, for now. If you are going to move against the Lord's anointed, better have truth on your side or you end up like Rechab and Baanah!
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