
Meet 16yr Old Who Graduated From College & High School SAME WEEK!

When asked to name her ultimate career goal, teen Grace Bush's answer is Chief Justice of the U.S. Supreme Court.
By 16, she was already well on her way.
One week before her high school graduation, Grace donned a cap and gown for another auspicious ceremony: Her college graduation.
While completing her high school coursework on an accelerated schedule — and playing flute in two orchestras — she simultaneously earned a bachelor’s degree in criminal justice with a minor in Spanish from a south Florida university.
The rare feat of celebrating both graduations within one week of each other is impressive, but Grace maintains that it didn't take extraordinary ability — just extraordinary dedication. “I think anyone my age can do what I did,” she told “It’s not hard — it’s just hard work.”
That’s a sentiment she’s learned from her parents, “It’s been like that all my life!” Grace said.
On her future goals, Grace added: “I believe that my purpose in life is to create peace,” Grace said. “Being a judge on the Supreme Court is something that can help me do that.”
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