A former TV comedian who has never held any political office, Jimmy Morales, 46, has swept to power in Guatemala’s presidential election on Sunday after riding on public anger over a corruption scandal that deepened distrust of the country’s political establishment. Despite his policy ideas that strike many as eccentric, he won due to widespread discontent with Guatemala’s political class, compounded by a U.N.-backed investigation into a multi-million dollar customs racket that, last month, led to the resignation and arrest of former president, Otto Perez.
Morales wooed voters with promises to tackle corruption and hand out millions of smartphones to children. Eduardo Tablas, a maintenance man who voted for Morales, said: “We were tired of the same faces of people who get rich off our money. He knows that if he does something corrupt, all of Guatemala will be demanding that he resign.” Morales quit his TV show, which centered on skits and lewd jokes, last year, to run for the presidency…… there is hope for Mr. Ibu in Nigeria...
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