Hmmm, for every good news comes a controversy. Following linda's latest acquisition, lot of people have been of various opinions; while some congratulated her, some were green in envy, some even said that the house isn't worth the so claimed price, these were expected but the unlikely comment I read not quite long ago got me saying 'this should make it to the blog's headlines.
The obvious fan and reader of Linda's blog said lindas wealth isn't from God and that her big house isn't gonna bring Lili happiness. Anyways read as the person take talk am and kindly share your opinion on it.
'it's a shame that readers attribute Linda’s success to God’s blessing. I am in no way a hater of Linda Ikeji but even if it’s not liked I have to speak the truth.
Her blog in no way glorifies God, instead it promotes lust, sexual immorality, fonication, gossip, perversion, envy.
How can God bless something that is opposite to Him. My point is that the devil also rewards. You work for his kingdoms growth and he blesses in a way that seems amazing but never satisfies. E.g Rihanna, Kim K.
Really stop and think about it. Why would God pour blessings on her constant nudity posts , egg plant, transexual?
I pray to never loose God chasing ‘success’ may God open our eyes to the truth. This massive house us unlikely to make Linda truly happy.'
I choose not to say a thing about this, cos it just reminded me of an incident I had with someone I was trying to preach my blog to (lol, starters hustle). The person told me jejely that blogs are satanic and she can't visit as her pastor abi her church forbids it. I was like ***** (blogger should pls give us smiley, cos it's only a smiley that can convey my look that day)
So what do y'all think about this person's opinion??
Lol, Vera are u serious?? This is vewi funny. How can blogging b satanic. Naija mentality. As for linda's gist, everyone is entitled to his/her opinion. The writer has some points but that doesn't mean her wealth isn't from God.