
Vera,, My Comments Are Not Publishing...See What You Need To Do

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 My readers keep telling me that they find it difficult to.... (Oh wait, i can't just badge in like that without saying Hi to you guys, right?)

Hey NB readers... Hope you"re good and getting ready to go cast your votes, you better do so, your vote counts, Jega has made sure of that.

So... most of my readers keep telling me that they can't comment on my blog.. Sincerely, that news frustrates the heck outta me and hurts a lot..Ahmean, i"m a young blogger, still hussling for readers and their comments.... How is it that the few readers (wonderful people) i get cannot comment???
Maka why nu???!...continue...

But then, out of my frustration, i went into a deep research on how to fix this thing, i met a friend of mine and explained and we went round my settings, but everything was fine... I found out that the people that comment do so very easily... Then i started wondering why its hard for some people can't comment.....

Okay 1st, in commenting on any blog, you need patience. LOL. Its not a Facebook status that you"l just click "Enter" after typing... Some things are required of now chill and take note..

You"ll be required to choose a profile, (either your Google account, or url, anonymous etc) Without any profile, you won't be able to comment. Infact, i think chosing a profile is where some people get stuck.....

But see, if you don't have a Google account in this 21st (almost entering 22nd) century... , say "Jesus have mercy on me 21times." Lol. Seriously... You should have Gmail account, Its very necessary..... I think with a gmail, commenting (or doing anything online) gets very easy, ya it does!

So that's basically It.
Secondly, i think users of opera mini, or chrome, or Uc browser ETC. Will find it a little bit difficult commenting... "difficult" i said, not "impossible".....

Or do i need to lay hands on my comment box?? A little prayer won't be bad right???? Okay. Would do that...

Thank You guys for the love!! I really appreciate.. I hope you find my blog interesting?? *Grins* Keep visiting and posting your gladdens my dear soul.
Have a wonderful saturday & a violence free election. *kisses*
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