told y'all she was going to reply...a lady popped up this morning and accused Tonto Dikeh of buying goods worth over100k and refused to pay, she disgraced Tonto Dikeh and all the media carried this story, trust Tonto Dikeh to fire back nah. See the message she just posted on IG, she said the so called designers were fake...Read:
I Am not really the type to keep messages but am glad I did in this particular case..
A young lady claims I owe her,as a celebrity,people think it is easy to scare us with the press but am sorry not this time . After stalking my life through social media and text messages,I succumbed to ordering some items from this young lady in a way to support her business,she was truthful that she sold out the originals and convinced me by sending messages of her previous deal with Omotola n few others (messages which i still have but wld respect evry1s privacy n not post but I told her i didn't want to since i wldnt carry them but she convinced me and since it was my younger friend's birthday I took pity I asked for the items*
When I saw these things they were so fake*I asked her to come back and take the items severally as it has been with my house manager,we have never tried to pay her and We never gave her no cheque.
Am fake and broke?
Pls pls lady take a pic of the suppose cheque and pls post it up here and I swear I will give you a million naria in cash.
I know she might be pretty upset by the rejection and I will forgive u BUT Am sorry I wouldn't Pay/buy nothing from u and I promise no celebrity will buy either... None of the message she posted online is on my phone....OK back to something better,THANKS.

Update: The Lady released private chats indicating Tonto Dikeh knew the designers were fake, yet she agreed to buy them, see the chat...na wa o!

For everyone claiming @tontolet didn't know the bags are fake she knew it,I did offer her Authentic Gucci & Versace bags she said she didn't want them all my authentic merchandise come directly from stores in Beverly Hills & here is proof @iamdenciasends me authentic bags,shoes,clothes jewelry when I need it and it comes all boxes like you see this & I have all receipts & you can see more authentic things on@rodeodronline .Tontoh Dikeh tried to bully me,called me & threatened me after I asked for my money,I was already informed she will come out & make a story to make me look bad so I was ready,she did the same thing to tiannah.If she didn't owe me & was avoiding me why did she block me?Me outing Tontoh Dikeh will not affect my business in anyway,she is known for not paying people and I am glad she didn't take the Authentic bags because they do cost way more money atleast she knows better.Before even buying the replica she and her stylist wanted to borrow the things to use & I told them I don't do that.Everyone knows Tontoh wear replicas look at her Chanel bags & louboutin small fake and she knows it is fake.If you want to support Tontoh maybe you can contribute the money she owes me and pay because clearly she needs financial support.All of you delusion Tontoh fans & Tontoh need help.i am 23 and trying to make an honest living,I did give her options of real Givenchy vs replica & I have proof I reached out to Dencia to inquire about the authentic since she has personal shoppers at high end boutiques in Beverly Hills.
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