
This Is The 'Most Loyal' Phone Of An Average Nigerian...True or Nah??

Good morning, wonderful blog readers (eNBers), hope y'all had a wonderful night, as for me i did, as you all know, today, according to social media is Throwback thursday, but i don't have any throwback gist or post for you, so I came up with this self made 'thoery'; Did you know that Nokia Torch is an average Nigerian's most loyal phone???

Follow me, let's analyse it,

Do you ever wonder what someone that has an iphone, q10, and samsung galaxy, still does with a nokia torch?!. Lol, you see.

The phone too strong! torchlight on fleek, the battery life never dissapoints, Keypads remain loyal! and veery affordable... They can never bail out on you. Just yesterday a friend told me that the actual name for this model of phone is 'NO KIA as in No Care'- no matter how badly you treat it (even those wey get a million rubber bands tied all over it), how many times it falls off, it just never bails out on!- That's LOYALTY! 

Oya, let's give it up for our most trusted and loyal phone, a round of Applause or Applaudise according to, *Strolls out to scoop more gist*

Keep having a wonderful Thursday! 
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