
'Nigerians Shouldn't Expect A Miracle'- Buhari


In a 1:31 minutes video clip of an interview with BBC, president elect, Gen. Muhammadu Buhari , says Nigerians should not expect a miracle from his government as the ruling party’s discretion lasted for 16 years. He tells broadcast journalist Okwoche;

“We are asking Nigerians their cooperation. They shouldn’t expect miracles to happen a couple of months after having taken over because the discretion took so many years 16 years of the ruling party rule of this country.I believe the country will give us the opportunity to do our best”
Asked if he would hit hard on boko haram as a way to tackle insurgency, Buhari says;

Hit them hard with what. Boko haram according to the government by its calculation is in charge of 14 local governments. If for 5 – 6 years the Nigerian law enforcement agencies including the military couldn’t secure 14 local governments out of 774, how can I promise miracle.”.....*In Nigeria change is miracle and miracle is change...what are you trying to tell us, Baba.., some Yoruba men will ask....

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