The Lagos state government has revealed plans to provide Wi-fi to every resident of the state..
According to Channels, the Permanent Secretary of the State’s ICT Ministry, Mrs Nike Animashaun said the first phase of the Wi-Fi connectivity would be deployed at parks located at different parts of the state.
She said the Wi-Fi would be deployed at parks in Oshodi, Alausa and Ajegunle.
“The Wi-Fi services will be in some of the parks in the state and when it is deployed, residents of Lagos State would be able to access Wi-Fi in some of the parks,” she said
Mrs Animashaun said that the state government came up with the idea to stimulate and encourage the interest of children in science and technology. She did not state if the Wi-Fi would be free.....*Yahoo boys are gonna give testimonies in churches next sunday...
In parks kwa?? To encourage children in science n tech?? As in school play park or the likes of oshodi motor park(garage). That means children shld abandon school na. BTW FREE has a price