The black & yellow couple who were head over heels in love with each other are no longer couples and many may ask why...good, the talented actor spilled it up in a recent chat..,
What happened to the beauty queen you were dating sometime ago?
We had a good relationship and probably the longest relationship I have ever had. We dated for two years. It didn’t work out. We had unsettled differences. There were things I would have loved to change but they weren’t changing and I guess she must have had that same feeling about me. But we are still very close and we talk all the time. We decided it would be best if we don’t have a relationship.
So who are you currently dating?
I am not in a relationship. How can I still be in a relationship and be very close with my ex? The girl would ‘kill’ my ex. I want to take my time now. I just don’t want to date for dating sake.....*hmm, being 'close with an Ex''...her German Juice sure pass na!..
What happened to the beauty queen you were dating sometime ago?
We had a good relationship and probably the longest relationship I have ever had. We dated for two years. It didn’t work out. We had unsettled differences. There were things I would have loved to change but they weren’t changing and I guess she must have had that same feeling about me. But we are still very close and we talk all the time. We decided it would be best if we don’t have a relationship.
So who are you currently dating?
I am not in a relationship. How can I still be in a relationship and be very close with my ex? The girl would ‘kill’ my ex. I want to take my time now. I just don’t want to date for dating sake.....*hmm, being 'close with an Ex''...her German Juice sure pass na!..
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