She posted the motivational journey on Instagram and wrote:
Went for an amazing run this morning and discovered my jogging basketball shorts kept slipping off and I had to keep pulling them up. I’m happy with my progress and it’s goes to show that it’s never late to start from the beginning if you have to. I put on an insane amount of weight late last year leading up to a surgical procedure I had. The weight gain was stress related (as I was working till the very evening I checked into hospital) and depression (from the painful symptoms I had to deal with because of my situation). Yes I eventually lost weight after surgery due to loss of appetite, but I also lost all my muscle mass as well. My body became like a polythene bag loosely filled with cooked ogi. Sigh. Then my appetite came back and I gained back all the weight again as I wasn’t given the go ahead to work out by the doctor. By the beginning of February I was depressed again because I once again hated my body. When you hate your body, you hate yourself. I started feeling like I was ageing and ageing bad. I felt like such a frump and nothing looked flattering on me. Now you guys know that ME… I LOVE food. So food will always stay. That one is a deal breaker!! But fat had to go. As soon as I got the go ahead from the doctor I started working out again… And in the middle of a resting holiday. After Mexico, I gave up sweets, bread (save for unleavened) soft drinks (aka mineraaaaaas), and beer ( and y’all KNOW how I loooove my beer. I picked up on my cardio,weight lifting and body sculpting exercises. My breasts look bigger because… Well… I have big breasts But it’s more attractively defined because I’ve lost a lot of weight in my mid riff area. My Butt looks bigger, well rounded (and harder to fit in jeans) because I’ve lost a lot from my thighs, back, plus doing some intense squat exercises. I’m feeling very hot with my bod and it took pain and dedication to rebuild. But it’s all worth it and I’m still very much work in progress. When I say #PanelBeatThatBody I really mean it and it’s never to late to start… Again!! I’m very human, I have no trainer, I gain weight, I LOVE to eat, BUT I’m doing it! #nikeplus#CEOofPanelBeatThatBodyAndSonsIndustries ....*Nicki Minaj is now writing a remi of ANACONDA to correct her last statement of "Fuck all skinny bitches"
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