Hehehe, the above and more were what she said to ladies that entertain us with their boo thangs and their lovescapades.

Do you agree with her??
For me i don't agree with her second opinion, why should someone smile and say nothing of her alleged lover, kilode...naturally, everything has an end though not all relationships and if yours ends, it's life and nature, you move on! You can actually minimise the instagram or facebook fronting of 'le boo' but saying nothing when asked if the dude is your boo, is wrong and unfair, looks like you a'int proud of him and you would feel hurt if same happens to you!
Everyone needs to be cautious and mature, that's all. Even Tonto hides her boo thang, hello, it's 2014..gurls a'int smiling joor!- My two cents!
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