
Quite Unbelievable & Shocking; Kim K Reveals How She Puts Her Daughter To Sleep!


You guys ain't gonna believe this..but Kim K insists that's how she put her little baby Nori to sleep!

Just like non-famous parents, Kim Kardashian sometimes has trouble getting her one-year-old daughter North West to sleep at night. The reality TV star revealed the unusual technique she uses to make sure her little girl is happily in Dreamland, 
In her words..:

"[I give her] a bottle at night with some cereal in it. I put in the milk, and then the rice cereal, and then you have to cut the nipple a little bit more to let it pass through, and it fills North's tummy and she'll pass out. The best is when Kanye's recording in the home and we're in Mexico or wherever, and the music will be upstairs and she'll hear it, and it's really loud and you'd think it would disturb her, but I just kind of rock her to it, and she'll just pass out [too]."

Who would have thought that loud music would put a baby to sleep. Aww.. poor Nori, getting used to loud sounds from day 1.
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