Who owns the damn car!
Looooolz, that's what we all should do. remember when i posted similar thing on the former blog (my32plus.com). Another rib cracking inst fronting gone wrong has come up again!
Just so everyone will see how far some people go on living fake lives, fronting what's not theirs just for likes and some stupid comments like 'Aww, omg, bae u go, where r we turning up at" etc. and some gullible ones would go on planning suicide missions if they or their man can't such for them...not knowing it's all lies!
Enough said...will keep getting more fake insta fronters for y'all!. Pardon my latin, lol..Insta Fronting is the new tag for subsequent posts, Take note!
Bitchezz and liezzz! Not my buzinezzz