Oyibos get time shaa...lol
Kim Kardashian on Monday made headlines after she appeared on Code/Mobile tech conference, where she told Re/code's Kara Swisher that she loves BlackBerry so much that she owns three models incase one breaks down.
But the oyibos in their super investigative nature, swung into action and decided to check out if what Kim said is true or just trying to get a new brand endorsement to herself. On analysis of her recent tweets, it shows that although Kim maybe careful to carry her BB around, she never uses it for tweeting!
Of her latest 200 tweets, which stretch back to March of this year, none were sent using a Blackberry.The majority of Kardashian’s tweets during this time – 136 of them – came from Instagram, which is not available on Blackberry. She told Swisher on Monday that she uses her iPhone mostly for taking pictures.
The rest were tweeted from the Web (28 times), using Twitter for iPhone (nine times), using Tweetdeck (10 times) or using an application called Echofon (17 times). There’s no Echofon app for Blackberry devices.
Kim waseven asked if she’d ever talked to Blackberry about becoming the company’s spokeswoman, she said: “I feel like I should. I’m going to make a call after this.”
Hehehe..busted big time! No be only call.She would probably call them with an iPhone .She would lose any Blackberry endorsement deal due to these findings Why pour sand in a hustler's garri na..Busy bodies..lols,