I know most men are guilty of one form of some shaving mishaps or the other. From razor burns to cuts, irritations, etc, guys do flop by ignoring basic grooming tips. Of course, the mishaps are not unconnected with poor shaving habits or the use of dull blades. While I’ve got male friends keeping beards like Rick Ross (they feel it’s sexy, stylish and funky), truth is, most ladies would prefer a “P.Diddy” look as opposed to “Damien Marley” or “Rick Ross” looks. There is need to drop execrable shaving habits. Without much ado, below are seven shaving/grooming tips guys shouldn’t ignore.
1. If you are the type that shaves daily, avoid doing this first thing in the morning. Wait for about 30 minutes for the fluids in your skin to recede before beginning your shaving ritual.
2. Apply facial cleanser to eradicate dead skin cells. This will open the pores of the skin for close shave.
3. With a shave cream handy, apply and massage it to your stubble (if any).A shave cream must be recommended for your skin type
4. Pick a sharp blade or shaving stick, rinse it in hot water and carefully shave in slow short strokes.
5. Shave in the direction of how hair grows on your face. If you shave against the direction, it’ll cause razor burns, rashes and redness.
6. After shaving, apply an oil-free moisturiser to soothe and protect your skin. However, after-shave balm is also useful but check it for alcohol content.
7. Please guys, avoid using mentholated shaving products. They ALL cause one form of skin irritation or the other. This is the culprit behind guys scratching their chin impulsively in the public!
And if I may add +1, it’s very crucial to avoid re-used or dull blades. When a dull blade is applied to the skin, it catches up with the skin and the hairs thereby leading to cuts and subsequent infections. Please the tips here apply to all skin types.
For shaving products, I’d recommend you visit established beauty shops near you (after seeking expert advice)
Thanks for the tips @ Vera, I bet alot of us make these mistakes,